Japanese Economic Trend

Japan economic activity covering production, distribution, consumption and trade of goods and services including GDP Growth Rate and Exchange Rate.

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  • The Japanese government offered the assessment in its Monthly Economic Report for June 2024 that "The Japanese economy is recovering at a moderate pace, although it recently appears to be pausing. Concerning short-term prospects, the economy is expected to continue recovering at a moderate pace with the improving employment and income situation, supported by the effects of the policies. However, slowing down of overseas economies is downside risk of the Japanese economy, including the effects of continued high interest rate levels in the U.S. and Europe and the concern about the prospect of the Chinese economy. Also, full attention should be given to price increases, the situation in the Middle East and fluctuations in the financial and capital markets. In addition, full attention should be given to the economic impact of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake."

GDP Growth Rate 08 July 2024

Q1 2024

Real GDP Growth


QOQ  -0.7 Points

Annualized Rate


QOQ  -3.0points

3.1 Gross Domestic Product: Quarter on Quarter (Real/Seasonally Adjusted)

Unemployment Rate 08 July 2024

May 2024

Unemployment Rate


MOM  +0.0 Points


1.93 million

MOM  +0 million

3.2 Unemployment Rate

Source : Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "Labour Force Survey"
*Unemployed rate are seasonally adjusted series and unemployed person are original series.

Exchange Rate 08 July 2024

3.3 Japanese Yen Exchange Rate (Monthly-Average)

US Dollar/Japanese Yen

Jun 2024 (Monthly-Average)

USD/JPY 157.89

Euro/Japanese Yen

Jun 2024 (Monthly-Average)

EUR/JPY 170.03

Chinese Renminbi/Japanese Yen

Jun 2024 (Monthly-Average)

CNY/JPY 21.70

South Korean Won/Japanese Yen

Jun 2024 (Monthly-Average)

100KRW/JPY 11.46

CPI 08 July 2024

May 2024


MOM  +0.4 Points

3.4 Consumer Price Index

Index related to consuming activities 08 July 2024

3.5 Consumption Expenditure per Household Annual

Source : Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "Family Income and Expenditure Survey"
*Yearly Average of Monthly Income and Expenditure per Household - Workers' households containing over 2 adults (2000~2016)
*The data is including agricultural, forestry and fisheries households.

3.6 Consumption expenditures on Travel & Communication Annual

Source : Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "Family Income and Expenditure Survey"
*Yearly Average of Monthly Income and Expenditure per Household - Workers' households containing over 2 adults (2000~2016)
*The data is including agricultural, forestry and fisheries households.

3.7 Sales of Department Stores (Nationwide)

3.8 Wholesale Price of Unleaded Gasoline by Month (National Average)

Source : Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Wholesale price for major oil companies' gas station (Without Consumption Tax)